samedi 17 juillet 2010

Dades Valley

The strength of the colours will never escape your memory, red, green and white. The Dades Gorge has a fairy-tale feeling — just after you leave the rather dull Boumalne du Dades, the mountain closes up on both sides of you, before it opens again and you are in a world where the grass is greener, the soil redder and houses nicer.

Serpentine roads leads you slowly through community after community, villages set apart by dramatic twirls in the mountains, or by the fresh river meandering through the middle. Perhaps there still are blood feuds between the villages, legendary romances across hostile clans, rivalries that fills a life time? Your imagination is fed by the marvelous nature that unfolds while you carefully make sure that you do not drive off the road. But, from what everyone tells you, it is all calm now.

The drive through the Dades Valley will not lead you to any landmarks, but there is a mind-bending drama in catching how life conditions change quickly as you and your vehicle slowly rise in altitude, and as the valley gets more and more narrow.

It is clear that the most dramatic part of the Dades Valley is along the normal road before you reach Aït Oudinar. Some places the mountains turn and twist into formations not seen many other places, but even better is it that the intense red colour does not fade.

It is important to stop and walk close to the settlements along the Dades Valley. While the shifting of the landscape could intrigue for a whole day of slow driving up and back, colours become even stronger once you stand in a garden or in front of one of the houses.

As one of several fortified ksours along the road, the one of Aït Youl is among the largest.

Protected by the mountains, and protecting the fertile fields along the river, it was naturally turned into a fortified dwelling.

At Aït Oudinar, about one hour from Boumalne du Dades the nature changes dramatically. The mountain and the stones lose their red colour, and the valley narrows to a gorge. Most travellers turn around here, as the continuation will lead you through landscapes which are less unique than the Dades Valley and the road becomes hard to pass for normal cars.

There are a handful of small hotels and cafés here, so it makes a natural stop. And you can buy handicrafts, but most of these are not unique to Dades Valley.

With barren grey brown mountains and lush and fertile valleys, the continuation beyond Aït Oudinar is dramatic enough. The rough and winding roads will add much exitement to the total experience. At several points, you will be allowed a spectacular view over the valleys.

The main destination of this part of the trek is Msemrir, a rather non-descript place, but beyond this the road deteriorates and is not recommended for travelling without local guides.

It is possible to continue to great destinations like Imilchil and the Todra Gorge.

credited to flickr users: el gregein, staou, cathymiller,, authenticmoroccoltd, nyctalope, marinegirl, arne kuilman, digs, michel27

Oasis Morocco

Oases are formed from underground rivers or aquifers such as an artesian aquifer, where water can reach the surface naturally by pressure or by man made wells. Occasional brief thunderstorms provide subterranean water to sustain natural oases, such as the Tuat. Substrata of impermeable rock and stone can trap water and retain it in pockets; or on long faulting subsurface ridges or volcanic dikes water can collect and percolate to the surface. Any incidence of water is then used by migrating birds who also pass seeds with their droppings which will grow at the waters edge forming an oasis.

mercredi 7 juillet 2010


Morocco - Top Beaches You Shouldn’t Miss to Visit

Enjoy the cod breeze in the top beaches that you should not miss to visit in Morocco. It is one of the places that will give you happiness. Plan to have a vacation in Morocco for this will one of your best experience ever.
Have you ever been to a place where there are many seaside resorts that you can choose from for you to have fun? Did you enjoy your summer days as well? If you to be by the sea for the next summer days grab the chance to have a Moroccan vacation for there are lots of resorts that you can explore and stopover in this area. If you are in European places you can reach Morocco in less than three hours for a flight. The beaches are along Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast that must be seen and believed. Bathed under the sun and enjoy the mild climate all around the year for every sea shore gives you a relaxing feeling.

One of the beaches that will suit you and even everyone is the Saida also called the Blue Pearl. New experiences will guarantee you and will be one of your lovely holidays that will bring joy into your life. You will be amazed of the genuineness of the port and the open nature that surrounds the coastline. You can choose what you activities you want to such as tennis, golf, and water sports for there is a luxurious beach in the place.

You will be charmed by other beach resort named Magazan one of the near Mediterranean beaches that you will obtain a new idea of luxury. You can have bliss with the sea and have fun under the sun with the sands and waves of the sea. The resort looks like the real medina that has lush gardens, opulent architecture, and dotted with features. You can also have seaside activities such as exploration of the local culture and again golf you should discover and come to Magazan and the resort is exceptional for a dream setting for its endless beaches, sweet-scented gardens and the immensity of the ocean.

Next beach resort to stop over continuing your Moroccan vacation is the Agadir which is consider one of the most stunning in the world. It also Morocco’s extraordinary beach for relaxation activities offering an ample range for everyone to fit in. if you want to have fun and if you love sports this place is for you and boredom will not be felt. It has a sandy beach, beautiful golden, very animated summer, and deserted winter and also the beach is unheeded by a hill with the Kashbah which an old ruined place. The beach is simply brilliant for there is a continuous breeze coming from the Atlantic that makes it satisfying.

These are just few of the resorts that you should not miss to explore. As you have your Moroccan vacation there I no reason for you not to enjoy for in every place you will visit there is excitement and fun. For you to be stress free and if you have worries and problems in life forget about this and feel emancipated to travel and have your vacation in Morocco. It is one of the beautiful places that you will appreciate once you get there and if you already finished your tour.

morocco most beautiful country

Vidéo Morocco-Best tourism video Maroc

Welcome To Morocco

Tangier, Casablanca, Marrakesh.. just the names of these cities stir a hint of spice in the nostrils. Morocco has been thoroughly mythologised and for good reason. Travellers extol the country's unique living history, its shimmering light and its extraordinary art.

Morocco is the ideal African starting point for the traveller. An easy hop from Europe, it is hectic but friendly and stimulating as well. Open-air markets throughout the country are piled high with rugs, woodwork, jewellery and leather - said to be the softest in the world.

- Morocco Security

Morocco is characterized by a high degree of security in all cities and calmly Division, which led tourists to visit him continuously.

- Hospitals in Morocco

Hospitals in Morocco Morocco presence of a large number of hospitals, clinics and medicines anywhere in the soil and is characterized by containing all doctors specializing in diseases and Medicines and advanced machines found in all cities, allowing you to visit Morocco Dear visitor, reassuring you mind...

- The Moroccan people

People Moroccan gentler peoples of the world in all respects and is calmly and intelligently and love of helping others or Moroccan Arabs or foreigners-there is no difference between thinking for the Maghreb ... Moroccan people From north to south of Morocco welcomes you Dear tourists .

- Traditions of Morocco

Morocco has a tradition very important tradition for thousands of years and events such as festivals and competitions, many of the mountainous interesting things which will see yourself in this beautiful country magic.

- Morocco Transport

With international airports at Tangier, Agadir and Marrakesh, Morocco is well linked to Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Taking your own vehicle to Morocco is straightforward. There's a variety of car ferries and jetfoils operating between Algericas and Ceuta in Spain and Morocco's Tangier.

The land border between Morocco and Algeria was closed in 1994 and that looks unlikely to change any time soon. Although a UN cease-fire has kept the Western Sahara quiet since late 1991, crossing the border into Mauritania isn't straightforward (though it's getting easier). In spite of this, hundreds of adventurous souls in 4WDs and on motorbikes do it every year. It won't be too long before it's possible to do the trip by some form of public transport. The route into Mauritania runs from Dakhla south along the coast for 367km (227mi) to Nou�dhibou on the border and then south along the coast to the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott.

Events Overview

Morocco is one of those religious frontiers where orthodoxy and local custom have met and compromised. The veneration of saints is frowned on by the orthodox Sunni Muslims but Islam, like Christianity, is made up of many sects and such festivals continue. It's worth asking around for details of festival dates because they follow the Islamic calendar, which is lunar and alters a little every year.

Travel and Tourism in Morocco

Exploring the Kingdom of Morocco is a fine escape from the restlessness of a fast-paced lifestyle. Tourists love this country in Africa because it makes their precious time stop for a while. With dynamic culture, exciting events, elegant Moroccan hotels, and delectable cuisines that are embedded in each city of Morocco, it can make anyone forget about the daily concerns of modern life. But more than these impressive features, Morocco also captivates thousands of travelers every year because of its breath-taking attractions.

Historical Sites of Morocco

With such an interesting past, people in Morocco can proudly share their marvelous history to the world by preserving its age-old city structures. The Ruins of Chella, which used to be a settlement of colonies, has now become one of the most famous tourist attractions in the city of Rabat. In Marrakech, however, a well-known square founded in 1070 continues to attract many travelers from all over the world. Djemma el Fna is a historic place where you'll find not only the remains of old structures but also discover loads of entertainment in the form of music, food, and exotic performances.

'Moroccan Museums

The history of Morocco can better be understood by seeing one of its grand museums. As such, you can place the Museum of Antiquities on top of your list as an excellent place to visit. Mosaics and bronzes from Lixus or Volubilis, antiquated funeral rites, and a dummy of a Carthaginian tomb will help you appreciate more the beauty of its past. The imperial city of Fez, meanwhile, also features a Hispano-Moorish palace that houses a rich collection of traditional art, while the Dar Barth Museum also gives travelers the chance to view the grandest decorative materials, which include wood sculptures, jewelries, and the coins of Old Morocco.

Nature's Beauty in Morocco

The beauty of Morocco does not live on physical structures alone. Its charm also comes from the natural wonders it has preserved through the years. The stillness of the Sahara desert is still a dramatic sight to many travelers today, while the majestic range of Atlas Mountains never cease to entice tourists, who enjoy a clearer view of this African mountain through the southwestern part of Morocco.

Churches and Mosques in Morocco

Having an extremely diverse culture, Morocco offers a place for different religions. From old mosques to contemporary churches, this country has exquisite places of worship. Casablanca's Hassan II Mosque has a dainty structure that makes it not only a temple but also a favorite tourist destination. On the other hand, Hassan II Mosque's Catholic counterpart also has its own grandiose architectural design. The white Casablanca Cathedral is an integration of the Neo-Gothic style and the Moroccan and Deco Muslim designs.

Moroccan Beaches

The Moroccan coast stretches out from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. Along this long coastline, manifold beaches with pristine water and fine sands await excited travelers. One outstanding Moroccan beach is the cold waters of Grottes d'Hercules in Tangier. What makes it a little more special than the other beaches is the famous Cave of Hercules. On top of this, another popular Moroccan coast is the Lalla Fatma in Safi. The fabulous scenery and the clean shore makes this beach perfect for sun bathing.

Cascades d'Ouzoud

Cascades d'Ouzoud
À 22 km de Tanaant, une route à gauche mène à l'un des plus beaux sites du Moyen Atlas, où de somptueuses cascades, auréolées d'un arc-en-ciel quasi permanent, se précipitent d'une hauteur de 100 m dans une cuvette de roches calcaires au milieu d'une végétation luxuriante. Il est possible de se baigner au pied des cascades, accessibles par un sentier ombragé semé d'oliviers. Au sommet de la chute, à deux pas de l'impressionnant gouffre, se trouvent une douzaine d'antiques petits moulins à grains, toujours en activité grâce à l'eau du torrent. Au crépuscule, on peut observer des familles entières de singes chahutant dans les caroubiers, ces grands arbres aux fruits savoureux dont ils raffolent. Une centaine de magots, au poil beige et aux yeux cernés d'une ligne noire, ont en effet élu domicile dans les grottes des falaises. Il est possible de s'aventurer au-delà des cascades, jusqu'au village de Tanaghmelt, constitué d'un véritable labyrinthe de ruelles. On peut également emprunter une piste étroite et difficile débouchant sur la route de Beni Mellal en descendant les gorges de l'oued el-Abid par un superbe canyon dont on ne distingue parfois pas le fond à près de 600 m.

Itinéraire pour s'y rendre
Le trajet Marrakech - Ouzoud prend environ 2h30 pour couvrir 170km environ. De Marrakech, prendre la direction FEZ durant 60 km, puis sur la droite prendre la direction d'AZILAL (S 508). 20 km avant AZILAL, tourner à gauche direction Ouzoud.
Cascades DOuzoud, Near Marrakesh, Morocco (1119-1522 © Ben  Mangor)

Cascades D'Ouzoud
Near Marrakesh